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Screamie Weemie
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With My Long Legs
Oil on canvas, 14” x 11”

Oil on canvas board, 16” x 12”

When You See Flowers in the Desert
Oil on wood block, 6” x 6”

Flowers in the Club
Oil on canvas, 12” x 16”

Autumn Sit
Acrylic on canvas board, 7” x 9”

Friendship Flowers
Oil on canvas, 6” x 6”

The Wrong Monarch
Gouache on wood block, 8” x 8”

Falconess Chickadee Crossbreed Sampler
Acrylic on canvas, 12” x 16”

Miami Roadblock
Gouache on paper, 9” x 6”

Keeping My Marbles
Acyrlic on canvas, 15” x 16”

Journey | Journey Repeated
Two color silkscreen print, 15” x 16”

Summer of Mourning Doves
Acrylic on paper, 6” x 9”

multidisciplinary multimodal multimedia creator, finding new surfaces and tools to process the magical curiosities of the world, nature, colors, and my mind. professional handpoke tattooer with a studio collective in south brooklyn. born in yugoslavia, brief stint in arizona, grew up in western mass, over a decade in myc. avid reader, jazz aficionado, nature gazer. always open to collaboration and dreaming together!